Monday, February 25, 2019

Chapter 04: Icarus

How quaint, Alexa thought as she scanned the area for guards. The location for the meeting was in an abandoned railroad switch house, another reason Kasper should have avoided this client altogether. Contact with clients was to be kept anonymous, online, never on a hard line and never face-to-face. And to agree to meet in a shady location on the client’s terms and without backup was beyond foolish. What were you thinking, Kasper?

Quietly, she crept around the rail yard, cautious of every sound she heard. A couple yards in the distance, Alexa observed two nondescript black sedans parked beside a black SUV. Three men stood near the front gates, alert and dressed in equally as dark clothing. And with three vehicles in play, there was no telling how many men were inside. Alexa removed her weapon and back up piece from their individual holsters, checking them both. She had 26 bullets between them and two extra magazines of ammo. With any luck, it would be enough.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Chapter 03: Vital Signs

Billowing black smoke curled into the sky as the 60-foot vessel burned. Flames licked up the sides of the ship, growing taller and darker as more fuel fed the blaze. The explosion had rocked the pier, sending Alexa careening backwards and landing hard on the wooden dock. Gavin was nowhere in sight.

“GAVIN!” Alexa yelled, pulling herself from the ground as she frantically looked around the water and shore for him. “GAVIN!”

“No!” she heard Joan gasp behind her as she and her husband rushed toward the end of the pier. “Gavin? Gavin!” The sounds of sirens could be heard in the distance as the panicked family continued searching the wreckage for their missing loved one.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Chapter 02: Blown Away

A grizzly scene was discovered earlier this morning at the Alpha
Delta Rho fraternity house at Manchester State University.
Four men were found brutally tortured and mutilated in their own beds.
Police have identified the victims as Ben Rowlands,
Christian Fellows, Ross Patterson, and Thomas Flynn. These men were
recently on trial for the gang rape of a fellow University
student Nina McCarthy. Police at this time
have no suspects and no arrests have been made.
Coming up on Channel 7 News, how safe
is your family pet…

Monday, February 4, 2019

Chapter 01: A Game of Cat and Mouse

“I know it’s difficult,” Alexa gently spoke, moving a little closer to the witness stand. “But, Nina, could you please walk us through the events of that night.”

“They said it was like golf,” Nina McCarthy cried as she recalled details of the night she was gang raped by a group of fraternity brothers. “They said I was the ‘hole’ in their game of stroke play. It was funny to them. The louder I cried, the more points they scored and they did everything they could to make me scream. I was burned, slapped, kicked, punched…they tortured me!”

“It went on for hours,” she sobbed, drying her eyes as she looked over at the defendants. “When they were finally done, they dumped me out on the street in front of the hospital naked and bleeding. They threatened that if I told anyone what happened, they’d come back and do it again.”

Season 1 Recap

Completing a mission, Alexa heads off to her next assignment in St. Claire. There, she makes the acquaintance of Gavin Stark, an earnest car mechanic with dreams of owning his own business.