Monday, November 11, 2019

Epilogue Pt. 2 – Brave New World

—St. Claire  – One Month Later—   

“Did we get the parts for the Shelby?” Gavin asked, going over the list of inventory as Ray locked the garage doors and pulled them shut.

“Not yet. I spoke with our distributor. He said he’ll have a shipment by Friday so we should get ours this Monday.”

“Sounds good.”

“Hey, Gav, you got a phone call.”

“Take a message!”

“I tried. The chick says it’s urgent.”

Epilogue Pt. 1 – Out to Sea

—Suvadiva Resort, Maldives  – One Week Later—

“Reservation for Mr. & Mrs. D’Amico.” Alexa stood beneath the sheer awning enjoying the smell of the ocean and the relaxing island life surrounding them. Taking a few steps forward, she felt the soft, golden sands slink between the soles of her sandals and looked down at the sparkling turf with a smile. A light breeze skirted more gravel across her toes and she slowly reached down to brush it away. Cool, crystal clear waters and warm, sunny temperatures was not what she expected when she stepped off the boat in the middle of December, but it was paradise. “Here you are, Mr. D’Amico. Please let us know if you need anything during your stay.”

Monday, November 4, 2019

Season 5 Recap

Alexa and Kasper learned of a member of WET’s Board of Directors, Jennifer Barnes. They broke into her home and held her at gunpoint until she gave up the members who put the target on the Starks, but Alexa got more than she bargained for: an entire black box of information.

Chapter 10: Bloodlines

“What is taking so long?” Alexa growled leaning against the car door. They were tracking Malcolm Foster’s movements but the computer screen in front of her indicated he hadn’t left his office. Three hours had passed since Kasper made the call to inform the final WET CEO of their demands but, he didn’t seem in too big of a rush to meet the ransom.

“Relax, A. Foster will do as he’s told or else.”

“Or else what? What did you do, K?”

“Whatever was necessary to ensure we got what we wanted. I added a little incentive for Malcolm Foster so he knew we meant business.”

“What does that mean, Kasper?”

“Jerome,” Alexa’s eyes widened and she took a threatening step forward.

“Jerome who?”

Monday, October 28, 2019

Chapter 09: At What Price?

“Hey, hey, good, you’re back!” Kasper said as Alexa stepped in the front door. She dropped a couple of grocery bags to the counter and started over towards him, smiling at the way he was eagerly waving her over. “Come here I wanna show you something.”

“What is it?”

“Well, I think I may have found a way to get the cash we need right here and now.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. We use blackmail.”


“Exactly. It’s perfect.  We can get the money we need to get our asses to Dubai or wherever you want to go.”

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chapter 08: Snow Job

Kasper admitted he had passed over the name a handful of times in his tireless research on WET. Alexa as well remembered seeing it but, neither could have guessed he was who they had been looking for. If it had been a snake, it would have bit them. Chris Cyrus was a man of many talents. Listed as Director of Asset Retention, he was described as the kind of employee any company would be lucky to have. However, it was his other background that piqued their interest.

“He’s Special Forces, A,” Kasper started as he reviewed the information on his screen. “And by that I mean Delta. He is listed as still being in the reserves but, his file was transferred to the DOJ in 2001. It was around this time he became an employee of WET and from what I can see of his passport, he gets around…a lot.”

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chapter 07: Closing In

Renee Szymanski was easy. Had Alexa not been in such a rush the first time she crossed his path, she’d have finished him off then. But, there were children’s lives at stake and she didn’t want to waste time on the torture these WET executives deserved.

And now with nothing but time on her hands, Alexa had finished the job. He’d begged, he’d bargained, he’d cried and in the end, he’d soiled himself like so many of them do. Had she the capacity for sympathy she might have stopped to think about her victims but, that would be affording them a kindness they never considered for their own victims; numbers that towered into the thousands. Innocent women, children, and men who were casualties in their war for money and power.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Chapter 06: No Time for Games

“Night, night, sweetheart,” the man growled. Alexa heard the slide lock into place behind her and counted down from three as she prepared to strike.

Just then, Kasper popped up from his cart and fired down at the gunman. The man jumped, aiming up towards the wild shooter and Alexa took the opportunity to attack. Tackling into the man, she knocked him back and away. He fell against the wall of the Thunder Coaster and she quickly scrambled for his gun, firing once into his head.

Racing back to the controls, Alexa flipped the switch on the ride and it grinded to a start, lowering Kasper to the ground. “Thank you,” she said, retrieving her weapon from him.

“Don’t mention it. Now perhaps we should…?”

Monday, September 30, 2019

Chapter 05: A Cornered Snake

Alexa swiftly ducked behind a large plant sitting in the corner of the hall. “MELISSA!” Gavin cried in shock as he looked down at the unconscious body of his baby sister. Lifting her from the floor, he hurried her inside his apartment and shut the door.

Alexa let out a sigh of relief. As she turned for the stairs, she could hear two voices inside; one distinctly feminine. Alexa waited a moment longer before quietly exiting to the alley and Kasper’s awaiting car. “You get her squared away?” he asked with a hint of disdain.

“Yeah, all good. Let’s go.”

Monday, September 23, 2019

Chapter 04: Toxic Dealings

Executives for the Weapons, Enforcement and Transportation Division are in a scramble to save their clients and keep themselves out of prison as word of a scandal hit the news.

That’s right, Brenda, emails detailing the agency’s involvement in over a dozen assassinations were released to the public by unknown hackers.

Alexa turned up the volume as Channel 7 News Anchors Brenda Cosgrove and Lance Winters detailed the last 48 hours of Kasper’s activities. WET’s logo appeared on the screen above the anchor’s head as they continued reporting suspicious emails and accounts he brought to light. Thanks to Jennifer, they were able to sift through the larger portion of her blackmail box and find the records that would harm the company the most.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Chapter 03: Helpless

A, I just got a report that SWAT is on the way. Apparently, the police are getting calls about a possible hostage situation.”

“Great. Anything else I should know? Like, how the hell do I get out of this room?”

Where are you?

“Laundry; lots of machines in here.”

I can work with that,” he said and she could hear his fingers slamming across his keyboard as he pulled up the hotel’s blueprints. “Ok, head to the west wall and tell me if you can hear fans on the other side.”

Monday, September 9, 2019

Chapter 02: Caught in the Act

“Here’s the rundown: President Thompson will be in town for two days. He is making an appearance on Wake the Nation with Martin Stein. Prior to that he will begin his procession downtown then he is scheduled for a small luncheon at the Hyperion Hotel with visiting dignitaries and local politicians before hopping back on his plane and heading for Maryland. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is…”

“To figure out WET’s angle and stop them before they assassinate the United States President,” Alexa interrupted.

“Precisely!” Kasper said with an evil laugh as he drummed the tips of his fingers together. “Sorry. I had a late night—and probably a little too much Mission Impossible.”

“I thought it was good.”

“Yeah? I felt like I went a little heavy on the laugh.”

“Nope! It was perfectly maniacal.”

Monday, September 2, 2019

Chapter 01: Person of Interest

Three weeks had passed and Alexa and Kasper had finally found some semblance of normalcy in their daily routine. While they were no longer being hunted down like dogs, they knew better than to think any of it was actually over. Frank Delacroix’s death left a gap in the hierarchy of WET that needed to be filled, and today was the day she and Kasper learned his—or her identity.

Before he died, Frank alluded to the fact that there was more than one head on the snake; a fact Alexa had already suspected. And while the conversation with him provided few leads, she and Kasper had a good idea where to start: WET’s Board of Directors. They had already successful put one in the ground but, there was still work to be done. The board held more than forty members. They needed to somehow thin the herd, starting with…

Monday, August 26, 2019

Season 4 Recap

Alexa and Kasper break into WET’s headquarters in search of information that will aid them in bringing down the organization once and for all but, everything doesn’t go as planned.

Trapped inside the building, the two must figure a way out of the server room with the data they were able to copy before the system rebooted.

Meanwhile, Gavin enlists the help of his best friend Detective Kirk’s help in locating his missing fiancée. Together they confirm “Hannah” was not the body in the morgue. Kirk is prepared to take this information to his bosses but, Gavin convinces him to give him a little time to locate Alexa before he shares what they’ve learned.

Finding a person of interest: the man that hired her, Alexa makes a play to learn what he knows about the hit on Travis Stark and why WET wanted him dead. She comes to find that the State’s Attorney turned Governor pissed off the higher ups when he made a plan to shut them down.

Kasper dresses up as the Overline CEO to gain access to his safe deposit boxes and the data he says proves the hit and conspiracy against Travis Stark.

In the meantime, Gavin runs down a tip on his missing fiancée that leads him right to Mother Mary’s door.

Feeling a little sympathetic for his loss, Mary opens up about a child once in her care that sounds an awful lot like Gavin’s missing fiancée. And when Mary shows him a picture of the child and her family, he is convinced her ex-charge and his fiancée are one and the same person.

But, when Mary closes up, Gavin is once again left in the dark about where Alexa could be which leaves him with few options on how to move forward.

Thanks to the information from the safe deposit box, Alexa and Kasper find another person of interest: Tony Harris, head of security for WET. Believing the man may be able to lead them to the CEO, they tail him. And soon, they land at the front door of one of the Board of Directors Richard Demery and one step closer to the CEO.

Feeling another closed door in his face, Gavin decides to break into the convent to get another look at the picture in Mary’s office but, is caught in the process. In no uncertain terms Detective Curt Monroe tells him to give up his hunt or else he’d throw him in jail.

Richard Demery’s warning about WET CEO Frank Delacroix proved true when Alexa and Kasper find themselves in a situation they may not be able to talk their way out of. With the kidnapping of Mother Mary, Alexa turns herself into the CEO in hopes of saving her life.

When Delacroix slips away, Alexa and Kasper decide to go through Tony Harris. Acting as an escort, Alexa gets close to the head of security and finds he has everything they need tattooed on his body.

Inside Delacroix’s apartment, Kasper works to find complete evidence detailing the small pieces of data he found on their downed servers earlier. But, Delacroix is again two steps ahead and the duo are met by armed men inside the CEO’s home.

The mission proves successful in that it gets them face-to-face with the man again. Frank Delacroix was attempting to flee the country when Alexa caught up with him and made him pay for his crimes. Hatching a quick plan, they also make plans to frame him for the theft of WET’s $7.5 billion.

And now, on to Season 5 (the final season)---->
<----Back to Season 4

Chapter 10: Justifiable Homicide

Black smoke billowed to the sky, curling through the busted windows as the high-pitched sound of the fire alarm pierced the air. “Kasper?” Alexa groaned as she turned onto her side to stand. “Kasper!”

“Here,” he coughed and pushed away a panel of glass. “I’m here.” Alexa pulled herself up to her feet and stumbled over to Kasper. He was bleeding from a large cut on his forehead and a busted lip but, other than that, appeared fine. “What the hell happened?”

“I think someone wants us out of their house,” she replied, helping him stand. “Are those…?”

“The drives,” he said, completing her question as he clutched the remnants of the smashed electronic in his hand. “FUCK! Now what?”

Monday, August 19, 2019

Chapter 09: Uninvited

Alexa stared out the window of their location across from WET Headquarters. Her thoughts wandered to Randy, the hapless security guard who’d made the mistake of getting in their way on their first excursion into the building. She hadn’t wanted to take his life, but the alternative was out of the question.

Her teeth worried at her bottom lip as she continued watching the men and women pile inside the large office. So many threats. So many ways this mission could fail. “Penny for your thoughts,” Kasper said, announcing himself behind her.

“It’s a strange thing being hunted. You can never look at the lights; only the darkness between them. Like a living shadow reaching ever closer to pull you in,” she replied, still focused on the comings and goings of the employees below.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Chapter 08: Dirty Deeds

Alexa sat on the clothed examination table waiting for the doctor to return with her test results. The room was small, and growing more so by the minute. Her breasts were sore but that could be for any number of reasons. Her period was starting soon and she always felt tender around that time. Of course. That’s all it was. She glanced around at all of the posters of female reproductive organs and pictures of smiling women holding infants and sighed. Maybe in another life.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Chapter 07: Hitting the Fan

Hands raised and a throbbing ache between her ears from the blow her captor delivered, Alexa stood on the verge of passing out as the door to the exit stairwell opened.

“Bravo.” Frank Delacroix said, slowly clapping his hands as he circled around the gunman nearest the door. “You really planned this out but, tell me, you didn’t honestly expect me to walk into a trap, did you? Although, it appears, that’s exactly what you’ve done.” Frank smirked, tugging at the cuff of his shirt as he stepped away from the edge. “After I heard what happened at Richard’s place, I took a few…precautions. I hope I didn’t disappoint.” 

Monday, July 29, 2019

Chapter 06: Bulletproof

“You get everything?” she asked, grabbing the USB before positioning herself behind Richard.

We’re good, A. Get out of there.

“Easier said than done.” Covering her face, Alexa pulled Richard in front of her as the door to his office burst open. “Drop your weapons,” she instructed the three men standing opposite her. “Now! Or your boss here won’t live to sign your next paycheck.”

It didn’t escape Alexa that guard #4 was nowhere in sight. She’d hoped he was still at his post near the gate as she would need that bit of luck to make it out of the house with her hostage in tow. She waited on the others to comply, jabbing Richard in the neck with the barrel of her Glock to emphasize she meant business. Three firearms were placed on the floor at the men’s feet. “Kick them over. Backups too.”

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chapter 05: On the Prowl

“Who are the people in this picture?” Gavin asked, shaking the image emphatically in front of Mary’s face.

“Lyric’s family.”

“No, I know that. I mean…what are their names?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t…”

“Where are they? How can I get in contact with them? Are they still in town? Where do they live? Was Hannah abandoned by…?”

Monday, July 15, 2019

Chapter 04: Cleaning House

Alexa motioned for Kasper to remain put and she silently snuck over to the porch doors. Peeking out through the curtain, she saw a couple of kids playing in a field behind the house and sighed. “It’s just some kids,” she announced, watching as they chased after a stray dog, moving farther and farther away from the house. “They’re gone.”

“Maybe we should be gone too.”

Monday, July 8, 2019

Chapter 03: Last Call

 “You keep throwing them back like that you’ll be drunk before he even notices you,” Kasper scoffed in Alexa’s ear.

“Mmm, wrong! I don’t know if you knew this about me, K, but I’m pretty good at holding my liquor. Besides,” she said, downing her third shot and slamming the glass to the counter. “This bitch is watering down these things until you can barely taste the alcohol.” The bartender glanced at Alexa from the corner of her eye causing her to smirk. “Oops. Guess she heard me.”

Well now you’ll get an extra little something in your drink.”

Monday, July 1, 2019

Chapter 02: After the Fall

“I thought you said you had this under control!” Alexa yelled over the ringing of the fire alarm.

“I did! How could I have known they placed a server redundancy that encrypts and moves the data offline?” he asked as he pulled a hard drive from one of the cabinets.

“Damn it, K!”

“Well the good news is I was able to secure a portion of the data before the alarm sounded. The bad news: it may not be enough for what we’re after.”

“We’ll worry about that later. Our only concern now is getting out of this building alive!”

Monday, June 24, 2019

Chapter 01: Here We Go Again

Detective Monroe’s trip to St. Claire had been the motivation Alexa needed to get her head back in the game. After returning home to Brooklyn Heights he’d reported on Gavin’s state of mind and while it wasn’t ideal, it was a necessary evil. She needed to know Gavin would not be tormented with the ‘what ifs’ of her disappearance so he could move on with his life. At least this way, he had something to mourn.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Season 3 Recap

The kill squad has arrived and Alexa must work quickly to ensure the Starks make it out alive.

Believing Alexa is the reason behind their unexpected visitors, Joan confronts Gavin who kindly explains she has it all wrong about the woman he loves.

For the first time, Gavin comes face-to-face with what Alexa really is and finds it a little hard to believe. Although nothing is said outright, he begins to suspect Alexa may be a government plant sent to protect his family.

Capturing one of the thugs alive, Alexa questions him to learn the name behind the hit: WET, an organization she has never heard of and one she must investigate.

Kasper once again finds himself in trouble, taken by armed thugs. Now Alexa must go after him, leaving a worried Gavin to fend for himself.

The police question the Starks about the shootout at their home but they are unable to point them in any helpful direction. Meanwhile, Gavin confronts his Dad about his affairs believing this to be the cause behind the attack.

During Alexa and Kaspers daring escape, they are accidentally caught on video by a passerby at the very moment Alexa executes one of their pursuers.

A breaking news report gets Gavin’s attention when he finds that Alexa’s car was one of the vehicles spotted in a high-speed chase with police downtown. And goes on a mission to find her and bring her home. Later, Gavin learns that Alexa’s car had been torched and he is unable to reach her by phone.

Alexa and Kasper feel as though they are one step behind. And when their likenesses show up on a news report and wanted posters around town, they realize desperate measures are in order.

With their plan all set, Alexa breaks into the police station to destroy any evidence they may have gathered thus far from both the crime scene as well as the footage taken by a civilian eyewitness.

But this does little to dissuade their pursuers and they find themselves on the run and looking for a place to lay low. Alexa, having thought ahead, has a cabin in the woods. She and Kasper only have to make it there first.

The matter of running for their lives and the fear of dying at any moment sends Kasper into Alexa’s arms only this time, she doesn’t turn him away. The two become closer than they’ve ever been when Alexa takes Kasper’s virginity.

Once things calm down a little for them, Alexa and Kasper begin their hunt for the client and the men after them. Their first lead: WET, the company name given to them during Alexa’s encounter with a hitman at the Stark mansion.

Alexa takes a trip inside the belly of the beast to aid Kasper’s attempt to gain Intel. While inside, she has a sit down meeting with two of the company’s commanding officers but neither are certain they had anything to do with the hit.

Outside, Alexa finds herself in a dangerous situation as she’s once again made to run but, this time, they turn to the welcoming arms of an old friend.

And while they wait on help from another of Alexa’s old contacts, she and Mary recall the last night Alexa called St. Peter’s Catholic Church home.

With Detective Monroe’s help, Alexa fakes her death in order to give Gavin a little closure as well as lose the heat she and Kasper created in St. Claire.

However, Gavin’s not fooled by the body double and turns to his friend in the department for help. Now with strong suspicion his fiancée is alive, Gavin has made it his mission to find her and bring her home.

And now, on to Season 4---->
<----Back to Season 3