Monday, September 30, 2019

Chapter 05: A Cornered Snake

Alexa swiftly ducked behind a large plant sitting in the corner of the hall. “MELISSA!” Gavin cried in shock as he looked down at the unconscious body of his baby sister. Lifting her from the floor, he hurried her inside his apartment and shut the door.

Alexa let out a sigh of relief. As she turned for the stairs, she could hear two voices inside; one distinctly feminine. Alexa waited a moment longer before quietly exiting to the alley and Kasper’s awaiting car. “You get her squared away?” he asked with a hint of disdain.

“Yeah, all good. Let’s go.”

Monday, September 23, 2019

Chapter 04: Toxic Dealings

Executives for the Weapons, Enforcement and Transportation Division are in a scramble to save their clients and keep themselves out of prison as word of a scandal hit the news.

That’s right, Brenda, emails detailing the agency’s involvement in over a dozen assassinations were released to the public by unknown hackers.

Alexa turned up the volume as Channel 7 News Anchors Brenda Cosgrove and Lance Winters detailed the last 48 hours of Kasper’s activities. WET’s logo appeared on the screen above the anchor’s head as they continued reporting suspicious emails and accounts he brought to light. Thanks to Jennifer, they were able to sift through the larger portion of her blackmail box and find the records that would harm the company the most.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Chapter 03: Helpless

A, I just got a report that SWAT is on the way. Apparently, the police are getting calls about a possible hostage situation.”

“Great. Anything else I should know? Like, how the hell do I get out of this room?”

Where are you?

“Laundry; lots of machines in here.”

I can work with that,” he said and she could hear his fingers slamming across his keyboard as he pulled up the hotel’s blueprints. “Ok, head to the west wall and tell me if you can hear fans on the other side.”

Monday, September 9, 2019

Chapter 02: Caught in the Act

“Here’s the rundown: President Thompson will be in town for two days. He is making an appearance on Wake the Nation with Martin Stein. Prior to that he will begin his procession downtown then he is scheduled for a small luncheon at the Hyperion Hotel with visiting dignitaries and local politicians before hopping back on his plane and heading for Maryland. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is…”

“To figure out WET’s angle and stop them before they assassinate the United States President,” Alexa interrupted.

“Precisely!” Kasper said with an evil laugh as he drummed the tips of his fingers together. “Sorry. I had a late night—and probably a little too much Mission Impossible.”

“I thought it was good.”

“Yeah? I felt like I went a little heavy on the laugh.”

“Nope! It was perfectly maniacal.”

Monday, September 2, 2019

Chapter 01: Person of Interest

Three weeks had passed and Alexa and Kasper had finally found some semblance of normalcy in their daily routine. While they were no longer being hunted down like dogs, they knew better than to think any of it was actually over. Frank Delacroix’s death left a gap in the hierarchy of WET that needed to be filled, and today was the day she and Kasper learned his—or her identity.

Before he died, Frank alluded to the fact that there was more than one head on the snake; a fact Alexa had already suspected. And while the conversation with him provided few leads, she and Kasper had a good idea where to start: WET’s Board of Directors. They had already successful put one in the ground but, there was still work to be done. The board held more than forty members. They needed to somehow thin the herd, starting with…